Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept 15, 2010

Sometimes one phone call or text can so change your world. Why is that ? Your day is basically going ok for the most part, have it all planned out and see a little hope for a better day tomorrow, then in a split second it all changes, Why is that ?  Is it just because we let it.  Is it possible to not let something change everything.  Is the human body capable of not caring, of no concern what-so-ever for your loved ones and their problems...We should of been made with a button entitled "Turn of  Caring" which would take care of emotions, thoughts and whatever else pertaining to the subject of distress,  it would make life so much easier I'm certain. But no, we don't have that, so you fucking learn to deal and you go on in hopes that it will get better and not worse.. It just goes to show you that sometimes when your living your dream, you can still have a bad day and worries, but you keep the dream and try to work out the worries....